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181128/29 파월 연설 및 FOMC 의사록

by MDabsurd 2018. 11. 30.

from Bloomberg)

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발언권 있는 열한명 중에 늘 구구 거리는 두명은

지금 금리가 타겟 금리 근방이라고 구구 거렸고

나머지는 점진적 금리인상을 지지한다 

단, 고용과 인플레 지표가 현재 상황의 그것과 비슷하거나

더 강하게 나오는 경우.

* 보나마나 구구거린 불라드는 투표권은 없공.


(그니깐, 파월은 FOMC의 다수 의견이 아닌데도 애매모호하게

 just below 라는 어구를 넣으면서 도람뿌랑 타협한 셈.

 뭐 개인적인 해석. 이미 엎질러진 물)

In their discussion of monetary policy, participants

agreed that it would be appropriate to maintain the current

target range for the federal funds rate at this meeting.

Participants generally judged that the economy had

been evolving about as they had anticipated, with economic

activity rising at a strong rate, labor market conditions

continuing to strengthen, and inflation running

at or near the Committee’s longer-run objective. Almost

all participants reaffirmed the view that further gradual

increases in the target range for the federal funds rate

would likely be consistent with sustaining the Committee’s

objectives of maximum employment and price stability.

Consistent with their judgment that a gradual approach

to policy normalization remained appropriate, almost all

participants expressed the view that another increase in

the target range for the federal funds rate was likely to

be warranted fairly soon if incoming information on the

labor market and inflation was in line with or stronger than 

their current expectations. However, a few participants,

while viewing further gradual increases in the target

range of the federal funds rate as likely to be appropriate,

expressed uncertainty about the timing of such

increases. A couple of participants noted that the federal

funds rate might currently be near its neutral level and

that further increases in the federal funds rate could unduly

slow the expansion of economic activity and put

downward pressure on inflation and inflation expectations.

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