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간회복) Gall Stone(?)

by MDabsurd 2018. 7. 26.

뭐 잘은 모르겠으나.

오렌지 주스 먹던 거 사과 주스로 바꾸고,

황산마그네슘은 Dr.Teals 스크럽으로 시작.

대강 인터넷 뒤져 보았더니,

명쾌하게 음용할 수 있는 제품인 지 불확실.

복졸이는 디렉션을 어떻게 이해하냐면,

사과 주스로 대장(colon)을 최대한 깨끗이 하고,

앱솜 솔트를 직접 음용(물론 과량)하면 단박에 

gall stone 이 빠져 나온다는 건데,

6개월 한번으로 기간 제한을 두는 이유는

작업 자체가 부작용이 있다는 거.

사과 주스가 화학적으로 이펙트가 있을지 몰라서,

일단은 계속 마셔 주고 있고,

몸 상황 보아가면 하루 한번 정도 Dr. Teals scrub 

간부위에는 두세번.

생각은 변기에 작건 크건 연두색 알갱이 튀나오면

대장 청소약 먹고 한번 쫘악 뺀뒤  피부로 앱솜 솔트 계속 흡수시킬 예정.

아몰랑... 오늘 위에 통증이 자꾸 와서 삐졌쓰~

가격 @ 올리브영 13,600.

The Actual Cleanse


6:00PM: Add four tablespoons of Epsom salts (magnesium

sulfate) to three 8oz. glasses of filtered water in a jar. This makes four

servings, ¾ glass each. Drink your first portion now. You may take a

few sips of water afterwards to get rid of the bitter taste in the mouth

or add a little lemon juice to improve the taste. Some people drink it

with a large plastic straw to bypass the taste buds on the tongue. It is

also helpful to brush your teeth afterwards or rinse out the mouth with

baking soda. One of the main actions of Epsom salt is to dilate

(widen) the bile ducts, making it easy for the stones to pass.

Moreover, it clears out waste that may obstruct the release of the


8:00PM: Drink your second serving (¾ glass) of Epsom salts.

9:30PM: If you have not had a bowel movement until now and

not done a colon cleanse within 24 hours, take a water enema; this

will trigger a series of bowel movements.12

9:45PM: Thoroughly wash the grapefruits (or lemons and

oranges). Squeeze them by hand and remove pulp. You will need ¾

glass of juice. Pour the juice and ½ glass of olive oil into the pint jar.

Close the jar tightly and shake hard, about 20 times or until the

solution is watery. Ideally, you should drink this mixture at 10:00PM,

but if you feel you still need to visit the bathroom a few more times,

you may delay this step for up to10 minutes.

12 For more details on enemas, refer to the author’s book, ‘The Key to Health

and Rejuvenation.’

The Amazing Liver Cleanse


10:00PM: Stand next to your bed (do not sit down) and drink the

concoction, if possible, straight. Some people prefer to drink it

through a large plastic straw. If necessary, take a little honey between

sips, which helps chase down the mixture. Most people, though, have

no problem drinking it straight. Do not take more than 5 minutes for

this (only elderly or weak people may take longer).

LIE DOWN STRAIGHT AWAY! This is essential for helping

to release the gallstones! Turn off the lights and lie flat on your back

with 1-2 pillows propping you up. Your head should be higher than

the abdomen. If this is uncomfortable lie on your right side with your

knees pulled towards your head. Lie perfectly still for at least 20

minutes and try not to speak! Put your attention on your liver. You

may even feel the stones traveling along the bile ducts like marbles.

There won’t be any pain because the magnesium in the Epsom salts

keeps the bile duct valves wide open and relaxed, and the bile that is

excreted along with the stones keeps the bile ducts well lubricated

(this is very different in the case of a gallbladder attack where

magnesium and bile are not present). Go to sleep if you can.

If at any time during the night you feel the urge to have a bowel

movement, do so. Check if there are already small gallstones (pea

green or tan colored ones) floating in the toilet. You may feel

nauseous during the night and/or in the early morning hours. This is

mostly due to a strong, sudden outpouring of gallstones and toxins

from the liver and gallbladder, pushing the oil mixture back into the

stomach. The nausea will pass as the morning progresses.

The Following Morning

6:00-6:30AM: Upon awakening, but not before 6am, drink your

third ¾ glass of Epsom salts (if you feel very thirsty drink a glass of

warm water before taking the salts). Rest, read or meditate. If you are

very sleepy, you may go back to bed, although it is best if the body

stays in the upright position. Most people feel absolutely fine and

prefer to do some light exercises, such as Yoga.

8:00-8:30AM: Drink your fourth and last ¾ glass of Epsom salts.

Andreas Moritz


10:00-10:30AM: You may drink freshly pressed fruit juice at this

time. One half-hour later you may eat one or two pieces of fresh fruit.

One hour later you may eat regular (but light) food. By the evening or

the next morning you should be back to normal, and feel the first

signs of improvement. Continue to eat light meals during the

following days. Remember, your liver and gallbladder underwent

major surgery, albeit without harmful side effects.

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